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Admirable adaptations

This is all about the bizarre adaptations that animals have evolved to survive

Time travellers

  [featured image] When I was working on the book I’ve just finished I became a little fixated by the rotifers and I blogged about them previously, here and here. However, these two posts are not enough and I feel like I must discuss these tiny creatures at length such …

Unfeasibly large gonads…

This post isn’t about the famous Viz character, rather the mind-boggling diversity of nematodes, which I touched on in a previous post. …


[featured image] In one of my older posts I banged on about the hunting prowess of some of the solitary wasps and …

A grisly end for an earthworm…

[featured image] Whilst camping in Cornwall recently we found this earthworm thrashing about in the turf. I thought nothing of it initially, …


[featured image] The intriguing little animal below is the first instar larva of the puss moth (Cerura vinula). The egg that it …

Animal architecture 2

[featured image] In the last post, we were introduced to an industrious, leaf-rolling weevil. This post concerns a related, albeit more glamorous …

Animal architecture 1

[featured image] At this time of year in temperate climes insect activity should be at it peak. Often, the insects themselves may …

Something nasty in the nest…

[featured image] Flies are supremely successful animals, but they tend to get a lot of bad press and let’s be honest, the …

Time for a change…

[featured image] Metamorphosis is one of the keys to the success of the insects. Of all the insect orders it is the …