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Los Amigos, a field station in southern Peru, run by the ACA is bristling with life. The lowland forest that surrounds the station is home to 11 species of monkey, jaguars, tapirs, hundreds of bird species and a dazzling variety of arthropods – my personal favourites. One evening at the …

A little camp carabid…

During our Myanmar expedition, the forest of Tamanthi provided many rich pickings and a number of the specimens I collected there are turning out to be undescribed. One day, near the end of our stay there, I was rooting around the stump of a felled tree near our camp and …

Animal diversity

The graphic below explores animal diversity with key information on each of the main lineages as well as how they are all related. 


The Ctenophora is a small, but morphologically diverse lineage of animals. The graphic below is an introduction to these animals. A short …

A worm is not just a worm…

Animals come in an enormous variety of shapes, but the body-plan we see cropping up again and again across the constellation of …

Metamorphosis with a twist…

[featured image] The biology of ribbon worms is a panoply of peculiarities. For example, take the way they develop. Not content with …

The bee’s sleeping…

[featured image] Solitary bees and wasps have all sorts of really interesting behaviours, but one that I’ve only recently witnessed is what …